Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes
Subject to ratification
Thursday 1st December 2022
1. Zoom Licence – Anne Lloyd confirmed that this had been purchased for use by members of St Andrew’s Church Council.
2. Treasurer’s Report – Shane had distributed a financial report for November to members of the council along with a proposed budget for the cost of a new incumbent on a House-for-Duty basis. The process of new Bank Signatories had been completed.
The creation of a Stewardship sub-committee was discussed, and council agreed there should be one. Shane is to contact proposed participants.
3. Recommendations for participants for interview panel for the new incumbent – Members of council proposed and agreed that Jacqueline McIntyre and Elizabeth McLeod will be the representatives for St Andrew’s on the forthcoming interview panel.
4. The future of The Hermitage – More discussions were held on possible ideas for future plans for the Hermitage.
5. Fabric and Maintenance – Stuart advised council on plans for work on dealing with the crack in the church floor in the short-term but for the long-term an engineer’s report should be sought. Recommendations were offered for the upgrade of external paintwork on the church to be carried out in the spring.
6. Church Hall Management – A volunteer has been found who is willing to take on the responsibility for church hall bookings. However, a volunteer is still needed to manage the kitchen. Advertising for this post will continue.
7. Music Week 2023 – Plans for this event have commenced. It will take place in early October 2023, and Earl had contacted and received initial agreement from a suitable facilitator. Also, a donation has been received towards the cost of the week’s events.
8. Date of Next Meeting – To be 26th January 2023.