Church Council Meeting Synopsis – January 2024

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

January 2024

Services for Lent.

Ash Wednesday 14th February 10.30am.

Maundy Thursday 28th March at 12 noon.

Good Friday 29th March 12-3pm.

Easter Sunday 31st March

Sunrise service at the Hermitage 6am.

Sung Eucharist 10.30am

Lent course starts Thursday 22nd February for five weeks at the Hermitage at 10.30am. This will be preceded by Morning Prayer in the Chapel at 10am.

Lent lunches.

Sunday 3rd March and 17th March after the 10.30am service. Proceeds will go to the Ras Morbat Clinic Aden.

Volunteers are needed to help with tea/coffee on the first and third Sunday of the month. If you are able to help, please speak to Sally Birt.

Annual Church Meeting

The ACM will be held on Sunday 7th April after the 10.30am service in the church hall. Only members who are on the electoral roll are eligible to vote. If you would like to be included, please complete an Electoral Roll application form which are available in church or speak to a council member.


Church Council Meeting Synopsis – October and November 2023

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

October and November 2023

Safeguarding Officer:

Linda Balfe has been appointed as the new safeguarding officer.

Christmas Services:

Saturday 16th December Nine lessons and Carols at 3.00pm.

Christmas Eve Sung Eucharist at 10.30am

Christmas Eve Midnight Mass 11.30pm

Christmas Day Sung Eucharist 10.00am

Tea and Coffee:

From January 2024 tea and coffee will be served on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. If you are able to help please speak to a Sally Birt.

Thursday Service:

An announcement will be made in the New Year.

Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 20th September 2023

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Wednesday 20th September 2023

Music Week.

Starts 12th October.

Parish Lunch.

This has been postponed and a new date will be announced shortly.


These are now available in Church.


Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 21st July 2023

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Friday 21st July 2023

Diocesan Directory.

The Diocesan Directory is now available. If anyone would like a copy, please give your email address to one of the wardens and one will be sent to you.

Chaplain’s Expenses.

Father Alec and the council have identified and agreed the division of jointly shared and separately incurred expenses.


A questionnaire will be available shortly asking what format the Thursday morning service should follow.

Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 15th June 2023

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Thursday 15th June 2023


The church council are pleased to announce that Grahame Ash has agreed to take on the role of treasurer.

The Hermitage

The refurbishment of the Hermitage has been completed.

Forthcoming Events

Music Week starts 15th October.
Parish Lunch Sunday 5th November.

Diocesan Directory.

A new directory is being complied and will be available shortly.

Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 4th May 2023

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Thursday 4th May 2023

1. Need for Treasurer.

We are still in need of a treasurer. If you are able to help, please speak to one of the wardens. You do not have to be a Church Council member to take on this role.

2. Update of work at the Hermitage.

The refurbishment of the Hermitage is nearing completion and work on the garden has begun.

3. Licencing and Gift.

Father Alec will be licenced by Bishop Michael on Sunday 4th June. As this is the Bishop’s last service before he retires a gift will be given to Julia from the people of St. Andrew’s.

4. Music Week.

This will be held in October 2023.

Harvest Festival and Music Week Eucharist Sunday 15th October.

Monday 16th October 19.30p.m Charity Concert.

“Monday is Music Night”

5. Parish Lunch.

This will be held on Sunday 5th November. Further details to follow.

Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 9th March 2023

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Thursday 9th March 2023

1. Treasurer’s Report – The February accounts were still to be completed and the
Treasurer is to email them to council members asap. Shane confirmed that he
needed to hand-over the role of Treasurer to a suitable volunteer in the next few

2. A new part-time parish priest has been appointed – Revd Alec Mitchell. He will
arrive in late May and will be Licensed by Archbishop Michael on 4th June.

3. The Hermitage – The Chair of JEMT UK had visited The Hermitage in February.
Revd Alec and his wife had also visited The Hermitage during their recent visit to the island and had expressed a wish that subject to some renovation work on the building, they would like to make it their home while in the parish. JEMT had offered a substantial grant towards the cost of repairs and council agreed that the work should commence as soon as possible.

6. Fabric and Maintenance – Sub Committee report:

a) The replacement of the noticeboard is still outstanding.

b) The replacement of metal drainage outside the church hall plus replacing the man-hole cover is still pending but was regarded as urgent.

c) Main Church Entrance Doors – A Quotation has been obtained for the replacement of these doors and it was agreed that this work should go ahead.

7. Cover for Holy Week and Easter Services had been arranged by Archdeacon Christopher.

8. The Parish Lunch arranged for Sunday 2nd April is to go ahead under Earl’s organisation.

9. Arrangements for the Annual Church Meeting, to be held on Sunday 16th April 2023 were discussed.

10. Health and Safety protocols were discussed when people were working around the church.

Date of Next Meeting – 4th May 2023.

Farewell to Archbishop Michael and Julia – 3rd June 2023.


Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 26th January 2023

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Thursday 26th January 2023

1. Treasurer’s Report – Latest accounts will form part of the end of year report. Based on these figures it will be likely that for the next few years the church will need to draw on the Reserves to meet the forthcoming chaplaincy costs.

2. A candidate for the post of a Priest for Duty has been selected and will visit St A’s at the end of February.

3. The future of The Hermitage – The Chair of JEMT UK will be visiting in February.

4. Fabric and Maintenance – Sub Committee report:

  1.  The remedial work inside and outside the church has been completed.
  2.  The replacement of the noticeboard is still outstanding.
  3. The replacement of metal drainage en-route to church hall along with replacing the man-hole is pending.
  4. Repair to the wooden seat at the front of the church building is pending.
  5. Unused External Vestry Door – This door is looking shabby, to be boarded over and painted.
  6. Main Church Entrance Doors – These doors are decaying. To be replaced in a sympathetic way that befits the main entrance to the church. A quote to be obtained.

5. A volunteer is still needed to manage the hall kitchen.

6. Earl is to organise a Parish Lunch for Sunday 2nd April.

7. Charitable disbursements for 2023 to be discussed at forthcoming meeting.

8. Date of Next Meeting – 9th March 2023.

9. Annual Church Meeting – Sunday 16th April 2023

Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 1st December 2022

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Thursday 1st December 2022

1. Zoom Licence – Anne Lloyd confirmed that this had been purchased for use by members of St Andrew’s Church Council.

2. Treasurer’s Report – Shane had distributed a financial report for November to members of the council along with a proposed budget for the cost of a new incumbent on a House-for-Duty basis. The process of new Bank Signatories had been completed.

The creation of a Stewardship sub-committee was discussed, and council agreed there should be one. Shane is to contact proposed participants.

3. Recommendations for participants for interview panel for the new incumbent – Members of council proposed and agreed that Jacqueline McIntyre and Elizabeth McLeod will be the representatives for St Andrew’s on the forthcoming interview panel.

4. The future of The Hermitage – More discussions were held on possible ideas for future plans for the Hermitage.

5. Fabric and Maintenance – Stuart advised council on plans for work on dealing with the crack in the church floor in the short-term but for the long-term an engineer’s report should be sought. Recommendations were offered for the upgrade of external paintwork on the church to be carried out in the spring.

6. Church Hall Management – A volunteer has been found who is willing to take on the responsibility for church hall bookings. However, a volunteer is still needed to manage the kitchen. Advertising for this post will continue.

7. Music Week 2023 – Plans for this event have commenced. It will take place in early October 2023, and Earl had contacted and received initial agreement from a suitable facilitator. Also, a donation has been received towards the cost of the week’s events.

8. Date of Next Meeting – To be 26th January 2023.

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