Lent lunches will be served in the church hall on Sunday 3rd and 17th March after the morning service. The lunch will consist of home-made soup, fresh bread and hummus, plus a cup of tea or coffee.
There is no charge but Donations (200/300 TL?) will be appreciated. Proceeds will go to the Ras Morbat Clinic, Aden.
Ras Morbat Clinic still operates, despite the civil war in Yemen, specialising in eye care and corrective procedures. It also runs a vaccination programme for children and staff go out to remote areas including Somali refugee camps.
Ras Morbat clinic is financed by donation via our Diocese and run entirely by skilled and dedicated Yemini staff. Treatment costs are kept low and the clinic has a very good reputation for its work.
The situation has become much harder for the clinic in recent weeks. Power cuts last 8 hours and there is usually only 2 hours of electricity a day. Mansoor, the director, travels long distances to find enough diesel to power the generator to keep the clinic operating.
Your support for Ras Morbat’s vital work this Lent will be greatly appreciated.