Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes
Subject to ratification
Wednesday 16th May 2022
1) Ukraine donation – A donation of 12,500TL for Ukraine had been presented to Kuzey Kibris Türk Kızılay Derneĝi (the North Cyprus Turkish Red Crescent Society).
2) Finance – The 2020 accounts are close to completion, awaiting the final audit.
3) Church Hall – The hourly charges have been reviewed and council agreed an increase.
4) Fabric – Gates – James reported that the gate hinges have been repaired.
Notice Board – Replacement is ongoing.
Benches – Repair is ongoing.
Irrigation System – This is ongoing.
5) Parish Profile. Further amendments were made with the Archdeacon’s guidance. A draft copy will be produced for the next council meeting.
6) Hermitage. Various options had been sent to JEMT (Cyprus) for their consideration.
7) Jubilee. Steve and Sally will be serving tea and coffee in the hall on 5th June and alongside this Anne and Pat will organise a celebratory toast to the Queen.
8) DONM. This will be at 10.30am on 10th June 2022 in The Heaven Café, Alsancak.