Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes
Monday 4th April 2022
(adopted at the meeting held on 13th April 2022)
The main purpose of this meeting was to mainly discuss the points brought forward at the informal parish meetings concerning the future of St Andrew’s.
Electoral Roll: Diana Peek stated that as of today there were 74 names on the Electoral Roll.
Open Parish meetings
Fr Mike is to produce a summary report on the recommendations made at these meetings in preparation for the ACM and the new council.
- Request for the church to be opened daily
- Request for more house groups and fellowship
- More communication
- Monthly ‘new comers Sunday’
- Sing songs everyone knows
- Don’t like sung Eucharist, don’t like sung response
- Have Observers at council meetings
- Many people appreciated the worship
- St Andrew’s could not afford a full time chaplain
- Archdeacon talked about a House for Duty priest
- Whatever is decided, not everyone will agree
- My house has many rooms
The big discussion of the 2nd meeting had been the Hermitage
Who is actually responsible for church property? JEMT UK.
The Society of St Andrew’s (the legal entity of the church) has been working with JEMT UK to clarify the situation.
Forward Planning
New Incumbent:
There are three important strands to be addressed urgently with regard to getting a new incumbent:
- Recruiting for the appointment – A previous Parish Profile to be updated and approved.
- The legality to live in the TRNC – A meeting has been arranged with Government to address this.
- Accommodation for the incumbent – information is being gathered as to the cost of refurbishing the Hermitage and other options will be handed over to the new council.
Refreshments after the main Sunday service
Starting with the first Sunday in May, refreshments will be offered after the service, on the first Sunday of each month, for a trial period of three months.
Easter Lilies
Sally Birt will organise ‘donations in memory of loved ones’ for Lilies in church on Easter Day. Any surplus money raised will go to the Ukrainian Appeal.
DONM – Wednesday 13h April 2022 at 11.30 hours in the Church Hall.